Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Post the Thirty-Second

Hey everyone. It's summer and I'm jobless, which means LIFE OF A PASTRY IS BACK! I'm back to writing poems, because I got tired of pretending I write for Cracked. Anyway, today's poem is dedicated to anyone who's taken a philosophy class.

A Variation on an Old Story

A professor sits down in his classroom,
ready to give his students their philosophy final.
The final consists of one essay question,
in which the students have to prove
that the professor's chair does not exist.

Most of the students write for the full two hours,
some writing as many as thirty pages
trying to prove that that chair does not exist.
Billy, however, being the most clever student in class,
simply wrote on the exam, "What chair?"
and turned it in to the professor.

The students got all of their exams back,
and Billy noticed he got an F on his,
because a two word essay is clearly too short
for a college-level philosophy exam.
That's what Billy gets for being a smug douche.
