Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Post the Twenty-Fourth

Let's avoid the pleasantries and just cut to the chase: today on Life of a Pastry, I discuss living vicariously through others.

Living Vicariously

As I stepped inside my house
and walked into the family room,
I noticed that my Mom was reading People magazine.

"How could you live with yourself," I said,
"knowing that all that interests you
are the achievements and failures of others?
Have you really done so little with your life
that you have to live vicariously
through a bunch of total strangers
who could not care less about your well-being?"

I sat down and turned the TV to ESPN,
just in time to watch the Ravens game.
I wonder how my fantasy team's doing, I thought,
praying that Ray Rice could rack up some yards against the Steelers,
even though I had heard he had a minor left ankle injury.


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