Monday, November 30, 2009

Post the Twenty-Third

Welcome back. I insincerely hope everybody had a nice weekend. I'm back in Williamstown after a flight from D.C. Short story short, there was an annoying baby on my flight that wouldn't stop crying, and so today on Life of a Pastry, I discuss the annoying baby on my flight that wouldn't stop crying.

Ode To The God-Damn Baby That Won't Stop Crying

Your screams and cries sound, to me, like the most beautiful music
that could possibly be misplayed on an out-of-tune accordion
forged by Satan himself in the bowels of Hell.

Your head looks so fragile, your face so innocent and pure,
and your tiny lips rest between puffy cheeks,
a perfect place for my duct tape to nestle.

I know it's not your fault that you feel such a need to cry
and scream like a God-damn chimpanzee, since it's only your nature.
But, just like you, it's not my fault that I hate you
with every bone of my miserable, sleep-deprived body.
It's only my nature.
