Thursday, November 5, 2009

Post the Eighth

Well, it's Thursday, which means another Haiku Day on Life of a Pastry!

Two Haiku for a Date by the Pool

shriveled private parts
fucking water's way too cold
she is unimpressed


went to grill some food
she laughed at the cocktail franks
"left one in your pants"


P.S.: A friend of mine noted an error in yesterday's post. It turns out that not only do ducks not have tiny penises, but they often are known to have particularly large ones. (Good for them, I guess.) Therefore, in the poem replace "duck" with "Canuck." Because fuck the Canadians.


  1. For the record, the traditional form of the haiku, as I understand it, derrives from its ability to be centered around an image / scene / setting. New age haiku's, of course, tend to forget / ignore this axiom of the poetic form and focus on the line formations and syllabic formations. Sadly, I believe its strongest point is not in its brute, simplistic, syllabic modern nature, but in the imagry created through the use of a concise scene / setting.

    This is what happens when you take a poetry class. "A haiku must paint a mental image in a reader's mind."

  2. Well there goes Haiku Day. Hope you're happy.

  3. I got a haiku...

    Simmons you're a jerk
    Robby cannot help himself
    Do not tease retards

  4. See that is an incredibly poor haiku. It's a good think you got the writing talent. A poetry blog by Andy would be a disaster. And don't take out haiku day. Just trying to help. The first one is correct. The second is a bit off.
