Friday, November 6, 2009

Post the Ninth

Hey everyone, thanks for your patience. Hopefully today's poem will make it all worthwhile, because today on Life of a Pastry, I talk about something every single adolescent male has worried about.

The Great Porn Mishap

So I was watching porn the other day
(as I am wont to do),
when I noticed that the lead actress
looked suspiciously like my mother.

After I zipped up my pants
and cleaned up the vomit,
I proceeded to watch the movie in full,
disgusted at the actions committed
by this woman who resembled the one that birthed me.

I still don't know if that woman was Mom,
but I know for a fact that none of those men were my Dad.
If one of them was Pops, I'd be pissed,
'cause I definitely didn't inherit
any of his more useful genes.


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