Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Post the Twelfth

So it turns out writing limericks is way harder than it seems. I have therefore abandoned Limerick Day, and am going back to free-form poetry. (Don't fret, though: Thursday is still Haiku Day.)

Last Lines

If I told you that the last lines of this poem would be:
"I fed that dumb bitch a whole lot of dick,
and her friend finished it off after she came loudly,"
How do you think the rest would go?

I ask because I noticed that my doberman Chloe was all out of food.
I knew she was hungry, even if she couldn't say it herself,
so I grabbed some pudding and dried fruit from the fridge.
When I opened the magnetic door, I heard the loud thumps
of my neighbor's puppy running down the stairs.

After I put Chloe's meal on a dish,
I fed that dumb bitch a whole lot of dick,
and her friend finished it off after she came loudly.
