Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Post the Seventeenth (and last for a little while...)

Hey everyone. So I've been kind of disappointed at the small (and declining) readership of Life of a Pastry, and have decided that I'm going to put this on hold for a little while. If enough people show sufficient interest, I'll start updating again, so if you want more posts and poems, please let me know in the comments section.

Along those lines, please direct your friends to Life of a Pastry, because while I love all ten or so of you that actually read this, it's not really enough for me to want to keep updating on a daily basis. If people want to read this crap then I'll write it, but otherwise there's not really much point in me putting in all that effort.

So, moral of the story: drum up interest in Life of a Pastry, and it'll come back. Because written stuff needs to be read. (Even if it sucks.)



  1. Poor Pabernackle. I'll start the Boulder Fan Club today. Can you send me a really high-resolution picture of yourself in that ridiculous plaid suit and $100 start-up fee?

  2. I can do exactly none of those things.

  3. post more. for art's sake. and our house's.
